output [channel] crossover

Crossovers are implemented as series biquad filters. There are two groups of 4 biquads per channel. Each group can be bypassed individually.

The command follows the same syntax as the peq command, for the exception that you have to specify the group index (0 or 1) in addition to the peq index (0, 1, 2, 3)


Import crossovers in REW format

minidsp output 0 crossover 0 all import ./file.txt
minidsp output 0 crossover 1 all import ./file2.txt

Import all crossover groups at once (such as using an export file from Multi Sub Optimizer). Would be up to 8 with MiniDSP 2x4 HD

minidsp output 0 crossover all all import ./file.txt


$ minidsp output 0 crossover --help
Control crossovers (2x 4 biquads)

Usage: minidsp output <OUTPUT_INDEX> crossover <GROUP> <INDEX> <COMMAND>

  set     Set coefficients
  bypass  Sets the bypass toggle
  clear   Sets all coefficients back to their default values and un-bypass them
  import  Imports the coefficients from the given file
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  <GROUP>  Group index (0 or 1)
  <INDEX>  Filter index (all | 0 | 1 | 3)

  -h, --help  Print help information